Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Boredness and Wasting Money

Wonder why I put boredness and wasting money as title today?

I wanted to talk about my life here. Well, this is kinda the ups and downs of my life. To tell the truth, working here is all about self improvement. In order to stay in this country, I think everyone would go through boredness in their experience.

Somehow, I know God put me here for a good reason. Everyone that I heard, is not good to stay in Japan. Haha.. I also have no idea why I would be staying here. But since I have the passion for the people here, and God wanted me to stay here. Guess I have no looking back.

Almost everyday, I look back at my life. How far had I walked in my life. What had I done. And to tell the truth, nothing. All I see is that I just walking down a path which is so lonely and fill with so much uncertainty.

And these days, as time flows by, it gives me a even clear idea about life. It is so short that we could spend our entire life without doing anything useful. So Why are we born in this earth? What is our purpose?

Don't get me wrong. As for me, seriously, I know my purpose. I know that I have to spread gospel here and tell Japanese people about God. HE had brought me so far. And in this life, without HIM, I would never be surviving until now.

In my life, I feel I wasted alot of my mother's money as well. Well, not because I don't understand saving money is important, but it is hard for me to understand the value of money. But to tell the truth, ever since I prayed to God to help me save money and see the value of money. I started to understand all the $$ and the numbers. Haha..

But there is still a long way to go. In Japan, we should save money wisely. Not everything can be save and not everything can be buy. That's where my logic comes in.

All my close friends still keep telling me that I am a very sensible person. Very logical person. I really feel that this is my strength and also my weakness. Being sensible and logical person maybe can earn one's trust. But it also causes me to lost my emotions.

Everyday, I felt like a robot living in a world full of traps. And this robot, not only can avoid problems and issues, it can help people to live their life. This is somehow I felt of myself. But after awhile, I started to think about my life. What had I done to myself? Why couldn't I like someone? Why could't I dare myself to chase after the emotions that I long for?

Well, that's all my feeling.

In real life, I am still like to help people. Maybe it is somehow my calling. To sacrifice myself for the sake of others. Ever since young, I always have the feeling that I should LOVE others like I love myself. Therefore, I never gave up on this concept and live forward with this mindset.

This is what being keeping me alive and keeping me living in my own dreams. Recently, suddenly I woke up from this dream and realized maybe what I did is for nothing.

But I trust in God. I trust in HIS calling for me. If not I would be surviving for so long. I know that being a human means we would have doubts and have sadness.

I believe that in time to come, I would fulfill my purpose for God and live my life to the fullness. For now, all we need is patience and endurance. Endure all the hardship until I can reach my goal. Till now, God had never let me down. No matter how hard my problems are, it would never compare to the pain that Jesus died for me at the cross. It is the worst punishment beyond everyone could imagine. Therefore, I would never give up and live forward. I always see a silver lining in my life. Hopefully can reach there soon.

Anyway, God bless everyone.

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