Tuesday, October 27, 2009


我心中的痛苦和无奈,要告诉谁呢? 有谁愿意借他的耳朵来听听我诉苦呢? 到现在,我不知道来日本是对的选择还是错的。为何我越来越痛苦呢?

感情上的烦恼,生活上的痛苦都放在心里。你知道吗? 世上的人,都只愿意听我们的快乐。为了每位人的幸福,我只好把快乐告诉你们。把痛苦放在心里。

但我现在好想哭啊。上帝正在教我感情上的释放。但真的很痛苦啊。难道爱一个人也是这么的痛苦吗?从小就被教说男人要坚强,不能哭. 现在我觉得我好软弱。根本不像个男人。每天那么感情化,那么的无奈。

朋友到底是设么? 家人又是设么?为设么我们需要他们呢? 我觉得我好没资格去爱人。那么软弱的男人要如何去保护女人呢?

在这世上难道就没有一个人能够教我打开我的心去接受别人的爱吗? 我需要朋友,也许要陪伴。但每个人都好忙,那可能会费时间来听我诉苦呢? 快要受不了。


1 comment:

-mel- said...

Do you know that your sister reads your blog? :)

Well, I know that it's not a mistake that you're in Japan because it's a blessing that you can be there. You're blessed to be able to study in two countries. But, life is hard. I know. Just like you've told me to be happy, i'm telling you the same thing. Be strong. Yes. But, everyone needs support and have their weak moments. I believe there ARE friends out there who are willing to listen to your heart's cry. But you just have to be open to them. And you must know who to choose to talk to. However, if you can't find anyone, I'm always here. Alright? You might not choose to talk to me, but I'm willing to listen. You can send me an email or just let it out here, because I read. :)

Your family and friends love you. Do know that. As much as I didn't tell you, but I love you and appreciate you as my brother. About love, loving someone is definitely not easy. It requires a lot of sacrifices and it needs you to be strong. I believe God has His perfect timing. So, lets wait upon the Lord and don't fuss so much about it k? Anything talk to me, i'm here.

You take care alright? *hug*